Beijing University of Technology has come up with an exclusive graduation gown as a complimentary offering for every graduate.
The university's emblem, along with the year of its establishment and the year of the students' graduation, is etched onto the nameplate of the gown, which carries the meaning that "you are unique to Beijing University of Technology".
For the fourth consecutive year, Jilin University has been distributing graduation rings, which this year are embossed with each student's distinctive ID number.
Graduates of Northwest A&F University received an edible treat as a gift: fruit platters and gift boxes fashioned out of the latest scientific research accomplishments by the institution, which provided each graduate with a delightful "sweet" note as they marched on to their future endeavors.
Zhuhai College of Science and Technology's graduates received a meal ticket worth 20 yuan, allowing them to enjoy a ceremonial meal at the school cafeteria anytime in the future.
Upon receiving a screwdriver as a gift, one graduate from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology said, "I believe our university wants its students to remain grounded, just like a screw. The screwdriver signifies the university's expectations and blessings."
王静表示,每张画背后的寄语都是针对每个人不同的性格和状态写的。比如,送给张海岩同学的肖像明信片上,王静写上了“决定了就去做,主动一些才会快乐( “If you've decided what to do, then go ahead. He who is happy is the one who takes the initiative.”)”。这是因为张海岩同学平时做事总是犹豫,她希望他今后可以主动一些,多为自己着想。
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